​Contact Us: 518.459.2248​
January 16, 2025
Hephzibah is not a name that many (if any) parents choose for their children, yet that is the name that God gave to His chosen people as recorded in Sunday’s Old Testament lesson from the book of Isaiah (62:1-5). Though hard to pronounce, Hephzibah is a wonderful name meaning “My Delight,” showing that God restores and actually delights in His people. In spite of our sins and failures, God still delights in us. Praise God for His boundless love that covers all our sins and draws us to Himself. As the psalmist declares: The Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation. (Psalm 149:4). May we also delight in the Lord and in the company of our brothers and sisters in Christ as we gather together for worship, prayer, Bible study, fellowship and service.
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Next Week
Sunday, January 19: Worship at 8:30 and 11 Vicar Mark Chaffee will lead both services and share the message. Sunday School and Adult Bible class will be held between services (9:45-10:45) Grief Share: 3 p.m. meeting in the parsonage
Monday, Jan 20:
No School / Church Council - 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room
Wednesday, Jan 22:
Women’s Bible Class: 10-11 in the Fellowship Room
Choir - 6:30 p.m.
Volunteer Training for Night to Shine 6:30-8 pm. in the cafeteria
Thursday, Jan 23:
Men’s Bible Fellowship - 7-8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room
Coming Events
January 26: Voters Assembly - between services
More Information
Grief Share support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13 week group, you will discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. The second session will be held on Sunday, Jan 19th, 3-5 p.m. in the parsonage. The cost of $20 includes a workbook. Contact Cathy Kilpatrick for more information.
The Call Committee has been re-activated as we seek candidates for a settled pastor at Our Savior’s. Committee members include: Sloane Bullough, Amy Chaffee, Brian Dollard, Mikel Irmer, Greg Schoonmaker. Please keep these committee members and the call process in prayer.
A Voters Assembly will be held between worship services on January 26th. In addition to hearing reports, the voters will elect members to the Church Council. Slate of Nominees: Council President: Tom Roemke (3 year term) Member-at-Large on Council: Sloane Bullough (3 year term) Arin Cross (2 year term). The election of Elders is postponed until the April Voters Assembly. A vote will also be taken on Council’s recommendation to extend Pastor Singh’s service as part-time vacancy pastor at Our Savior’s to another six months, February-July.
Night To Shine: On February 7th, Our Savior’s is hosting Night To Shine, a prom for people with disabilities. Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of capacities, especially as buddies with our guests. You may register as a volunteer on line through our church website (oslalbany.com). The next training event for volunteers will be held on Wednesday, Jan 22nd 6:30-8 p.m. in the school cafeteria. We also need financial support for this ministry. You may use special offering envelopes in your box of envelopes or in the tract rack. Make checks payable to Our Savior’s and designate the offering for Night To Shine.
February SONshine, an Enrichment and Vacation Bible Camp will be held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Delmar, during winter break, February 18-21. February SONshine is open to children, age 4 - Fifth Grade. Full and half day options are available. You may register on line: www.blcdelmar.com/sonshine or call the church 518/439-4328.
Choir Concert: The Houghton University Choir will be presenting a concert at Our Savior’s on March 4th at 6:30 p.m. If you are able to provide housing for several members of the choir on the evening of March 4th (and provide breakfast for them on March 5th), please contact Brian Dollard via email: brianjdollard2@gmail.com
Vicar Mark Chaffee’s office hours are 9 a.m.-noon, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You may also reach him by cell phone: 518/763-1085 or via email: mark.chaffee@oursaviors.com Pastor Patrick Singh is serving as part time vacancy pastor at Our Savior’s, providing pastoral care and leadership in cooperation with Vicar Mark. You may contact Pastor Singh by email (patrick204642003@yahoo.com or by cell phone (917/254-2597) if you wish to talk or schedule a time to meet with him.
-Healing: Al Walck, Barbara Bruso, Toni Cramer, Dave & Kathy Hawley, Phyllis Lubiniecki, Barbara MacGowan, Jennifer Noble, Patty Marshall, Lori Smith, Nora Schoonmaker, George Swint, Eric Unright, Joan & Walter Weis, Lori & Peter Whitehouse, Dave Wolcott, Tim Zuelsdorf, Tony Zuelsdorf
-Homebound: Inge Glidden
-in Assisted Living: Christine Baird, Hazel Gutkoska, Marga Hildenbrandt, Ruth Looman, Lois O’Brien, Jon Ronson
-Grace Bombard and Shauna Fawcett co-teachers of one of the preschool classes for four year olds at Our Savior’s Christian School. May God fill these teachers with compassion and wisdom as they minister to their students in the loving name of our Savior.
-Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Glens Falls Thank you for 75 years of faithful ministry in the North County under leadership of Pastor Wagner, Continue to grow the church community.
Announcements for this weekly letter may be sent to Tom Roemke (troemke115@gmail.com or 518/669-0790)