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Week of December 15
This Sunday’s Epistle (Phil 2:4-7) focuses on the themes for the second and third Sunday in Advent: PEACE and JOY. In his inspired words, Paul echoes the angels’ “good news of great joy” as he writes: Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!” This short chorus that can be repeated countless times is a natural response to the birth of a Savior for each of us. As our Savior comes and abides with us, He fills us not only with boundless joy but also with the peace of His presence. The epistle reading concludes with this glorious promise: The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:7). May we be filled with His peace and joy this season.
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This Week:
Friday, Dec 13th - Christmas Concert presented by students of Our Savior’s Christian School - 6:30 p.m. in the gym
Saturday, Dec 14th: Christmas Caroling to members who are homebound or in nursing homes - Meet in the Fellowship Room at 3:00, go caroling and return for supper at 5:30.
Next Week
Sunday, Dec 15: Worship at 8:30 and 11 Pastor Singh will lead both services and share the message. Sunday School for preschool-6th graders at 9:45-10:45. There will be a reception in the Fellowship Room for Kelly Long in place of Bible Class this Sunday between services.
Monday, Dec 16: Church Council 6:30
Wednesday, Dec 18: Women’s Bible Study: 10-11 in the Fellowship Room
Advent Supper-5:30 followed by Advent Vespers-6:30. The theme is Joy
Choir at 7:15
Thursday, Dec 19: Men’s Bible Fellowship 7-8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Room
Coming Events
Christmas Eve Services: 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Christmas Day Worship 9 a.m.
More Information
Mission/Vision: Over the next several months, we plan to clarify the mission and vision of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church by gathering input from members via a survey. Please complete the survey on line. Paper forms of the survey are also available in the narthex. We will discuss results of this survey and gather more information at a Town Hall meeting in January. The approved mission and vision statements will provide clarity and unity as we move forward.
Women’s Bible Study will meet on Wednesday, December 18th for a Christmas message and carol sing. After class there will be a luncheon. Bring a dish to share. We’re looking forward to celebrating Christ’s birth together.
Purchasing a Poinsettias"in honor of" or" in memory of" loved ones is a beautiful way to express your love for family and friends at Christmastime! This year your poinsettias will decorate the altar on Sunday, Dec. 22nd and on Christmas Eve. Following the Christmas Eve services, plants may be taken home or donated to our home bound. To place your poinsettia order, (Cost is $10.00 per plant.) Please see Lori Dollard in the breezeway between services this morning. TODAY is the last day to order a plant. OR Order the poinsettia(s) by submitting the on-line form BY THE END OF TODAY Regarding payment, please make checks out to Our Savior's Lutheran church (memo - Christmas Poinsettias) and provide payment to Lori Dollard when order is placed. Thank you for helping make our sanctuary beautiful at Christmas!
Night To Shine: Our Savior’s will again host Night To Shine on February 7th. NTS is a prom for people with disabilities. Volunteers are needed to help in a variety of capacities, especially as buddies with our guests. You may register as a volunteer on line through our church website (oslalbany.com). We also need financial support for this ministry. You may use special offering envelopes in your box of envelopes or in the tract rack. Make checks payable to Our Savior’s and designate the offering for Night To Shine.
Nominations: for Church Council and Elders should be submitted by December 15th; Church Council positions: President (three year term), Member-at-Large: two positions - one with a three year term and the other with a two year term. Nominations should be submitted to Greg Schoonmaker, Church Council secretary (518/272-6602) or email: gregschoon@juno.com. Greg will contact nominees to determine their willingness to serve. Elders: There are currently five elders serving in terms that do not expire in 2025. Under the constitution there is no limit on the number of elders who may serve. If you wish to nominate someone as elder, please contact your assigned elder. The current elders are Dave Hawley, Ike Wallace, Brian Dollard, Tom Aery and Mark Stuart. The slate of all nominees will be listed in early January and voted upon at the Voters Assembly later that month.
Fellowship Time: On Sunday, December 22nd, the Hospitality Committee is planning a Holiday Fellowship Hour between services. There will be no Adult Bible Class that Sunday. We are not planning a special menu. If you choose, please bring something to share. We will provide coffee, juice and egg nog along with paper products. No need to sign up, just show up
Grief Share support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13 week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. The first meeting will be held on Sunday, January 12th, 3-5 p.m. in the Prayer Chapel. The cost of $20 includes a workbook. Contact Cathy Kilpatrick for more information.
Vicar Mark Chaffee’s office hours are 9 a.m.-noon, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You may also reach him by cell phone: 518/763-1085 or via email: mark.chaffee@oursaviors.com Pastor Patrick Singh is serving as part time vacancy pastor at Our Savior’s, providing pastoral care and leadership in cooperation with Vicar Mark. You may contact Pastor Singh by email (patrick204642003@yahoo.com or by cell phone (917/254-2597) if you wish to talk or schedule a time to meet with him.
-Healing: Tom Aery, Barbara Bruso, Linda Flynn, Phyllis Lubiniecki, Barbara MacGowan, Jenna Noble, Harper Noble, Patty Marshall, Lori Smith, Nora Schoonmaker, George Swint, Eric Unright, Joan & Walter Weis, Lori & Peter Whitehouse, Dave Wolcott, Tim Zuelsdorf, Tony Zuelsdorf
-Homebound: Inge Glidden -
Assisted Living: Christine Baird, Hazel Gutkoska, Marga Hildenbrandt, Ruth Looman, Lois O’Brien, Jon Ronson
for Jennifer Blackstone - Lunchroom Coordinator at Our Savior’s Christian School. Thank our Lord for this faithful servant. Bless Jen as she brings spiritual food as well as physical nourishment to the students.
-St. Mark Lutheran Church, Hudson: Thanksgiving for the Rev. Dan Cohn, who will be installed as the pastor at St. Mark on Dec 15th
Announcements for this weekly letter may be sent to Tom Roemke (troemke115@gmail.com or 518/669-0790)