​Contact Us: 518.459.2248​
Latest News & Services
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Our Savior's is a congregation of believers who are journeying through life blessed by God in so many ways. We would love to have you join us on this journey. Whether you are new to the area, new to exploring churches, or someone who wants to see what's happening here at Our Savior's, come! Please look around here for the latest things happening at Our Savior's. If you have any questions, please stop by. Our church office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. You can call ahead to make an appointment at 518.459.2248.
Worship Services - Information about what's on offer every Sunday
Live Streaming - Learn more about our live streamed service on Sundays at 11:00. This service is recorded and available when you wish to watch it later in the week.
Weekly Update Letter - A weekly letter from our pastor. Here you will read about the theme for the upcoming Sunday along with additional information about everything happening at Our Savior's.